selection of supplements in a green pot

The Best Supplements For Hypermobility Revealed

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The best supplements for hypermobility are ones that ease hypermobility-related symptoms. With more than 29,000 different supplements to choose from, it can be hard to decide which ones are right for you.

Well, worry not because we’re here to tell you which supplements are good for hypermobility.

What can I take for hypermobile joints?

Most people with hypermobile joints take some form of medication for pain relief. Common medications for hypermobility include:

Hypermobile specialists often recommend adding supplements to your diet too.

The best supplements for hypermobility typically contain ingredients such as glucosamine, chondroitin, and MSM. These ingredients are known for their ability to improve joint health and reduce joint pain. 

Glucosamine is a natural component found in cartilage that can help promote joint health, while chondroitin is a substance that helps the body maintain healthy joints. MSM is a sulfur compound that can help reduce inflammation in the body, which can also benefit individuals with hypermobility.

What supplements should people with Ehlers Danlos take?

People with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome may benefit from taking supplements such as vitamin C and glucosamine. Vitamin C is important for the production of collagen, which is essential for connective tissue health. Glucosamine can help improve joint health, and collagen can help support the health of connective tissues throughout the body.

What are the best supplements for hypermobility?

The best supplements for hypermobility include glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin D. These supplements can help support joint health, reduce inflammation, and improve joint mobility. 

Here’s a full list of supplements for joint hypermobility syndrome:


Glucosamine plays a major role in keeping the ligaments, tendons, cartilage, and synovial fluid in your body healthy. These are areas that people with hypermobility have problems with. So, taking a glucosamine supplement can help support these areas. 

Research has also shown that taking glucosamine helps reduce pain in people who have osteoarthritis of the knee. Osteoarthritis is closely linked to hypermobility. Knee pain is common with hypermobility even when you don’t have osteoarthritis. This means there’s a good chance that glucosamine can help generalized joint pain caused by hypermobility too.


Chondroitin keeps the cartilage in our bodies strong and healthy. Joint hypermobility tends to cause cartilage damage, so taking chondroitin can prevent this. 

Chondroitin sulfate, the most common form of chondroitin used in supplements, has several potential benefits for joint health. Here are some other ways chondroitin can help your hypermobility:

  1. Joint lubrication – Chondroitin helps to lubricate the joints by promoting the production of synovial fluid, a thick liquid that reduces friction between the joint surfaces.

  2. Anti-inflammatory properties – Studies have shown that chondroitin has anti-inflammatory effects, which can help reduce joint inflammation and associated pain.
  1. Joint function improvement – Chondroitin is similar to glucosamine in that it reduces osteoarthritis pain. The ability to do this means it may also reduce hypermobility pain. 


MSM contains sulfur which helps to make collagen and glucosamine naturally in the body. Both of these things help to keep joints healthy. Research has also found that taking MSM can give you anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects

The anti-inflammatory effects mean you may experience less pain when taking MSM. Antioxidants help to prevent inflammatory responses, so, again, less pain is likely. 

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids can provide several benefits for people with hypermobility:

  1. Inflammation reduction – Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation in the body.

  2. Joint support – Omega-3 fatty acids can promote joint health by supporting the integrity and flexibility of joint structures. They are involved in the production of compounds called resolvins and protectins, which help regulate inflammation and promote tissue repair in the joints.

  3. Pain management – Omega-3 fatty acids may help alleviate joint pain associated with hypermobility or conditions like arthritis. By reducing inflammation and supporting joint health, they can contribute to pain relief and improved overall comfort. Research has also found that many people with joint pain find they need to take fewer NSAIDs while taking omega-3 supplements.

  4. Brain and nervous system support – Omega-3 fatty acids are important for brain function and the development and maintenance of the nervous system. Some individuals with hypermobility may also experience issues related to the nervous system, such as autonomic dysfunction. Omega-3 fatty acids may support nerve cell function and potentially provide benefits in this regard.

    Omega-3 supplements are typically made from fish oils. If you’re a vegetarian or vegan you’re not going to want to take these. The good news is that you can buy vegetarian and vegan omega-3 supplements that are made from algae.


Magnesium supports muscle and nerve function in the body. If you don’t have enough magnesium in your body, you’re at risk of osteoarthritis which can add to your joint pain. 

Low magnesium levels also put you at increased risk of inflammation. Taking a magnesium supplement can prevent raised levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) which is the marker associated with inflammation.

Vitamin D

There are lots of benefits in taking vitamin D for hypermobility. For example, it keeps your bones strong and healthy. It also helps the body to absorb calcium. Unfortunately, vitamin D deficiency is common. In the US alone, 42% of adults are estimated to be deficient in vitamin D. Meanwhile, worldwide, 1 billion people don’t get enough vitamin D. 

Vitamin D deficiency causes joint pain, fatigue, muscular problems, and mood problems. It can also contribute to hypermobility-related fractures. So, your hypermobility symptoms could get worse if you’re not getting enough vitamin D. 

Vitamin C

Vitamin C plays an important role in the growth, development, and repair of tissue in the body. It’s good for collagen synthesis, so a supplement is recommended for all people with hypermobility as faulty collagen is a major factor in hypermobility.

If your hypermobility causes easy bruising, a vitamin C supplement can help. One study found that Vitamin C supplementation, even in those not clinically deficient, helped to reduce bleeding, wound healing time, and increased muscle strength.


B-complex vitamins are the key to a healthy body. They look after the cells in your body, give you energy, and keep your brain functioning. They’ve also been shown to reduce anxiety and depression – two disorders that are common in people with hypermobility.

If you don’t have enough B-complex vitamins in your body, your hypermobility symptoms are likely to worsen, which is why a B-complex supplement is advised.


A new study has revealed a link between folate deficiency and hypermobility. Folate is the natural form of vitamin B9. Tulane University School of Medicine says that hypermobile patients who supplement with methylated folate experience less pain, less brain fog, and better GI function. 

Do collagen supplements help with hypermobility?

Collagen supplements may benefit some people with hypermobility. But, there’s no scientific evidence that supports this. 

Collagen is an essential protein that makes up the connective tissue in our bodies, including our joints. People with hypermobility have ‘bad’ or ‘faulty’ collagen. 

Some individuals say that taking collagen supplements for hypermobility improves their joint health and reduces joint pain. Not everyone agrees with this theory, though. It’s widely thought that taking collagen supplements for hypermobility syndrome can add to your problems. After all, if our bodies don’t have good collagen anyway, adding more to our bodies, may just add to the bad collagen.

Does hypermobility cause vitamin D deficiency?

Hypermobility does not directly cause vitamin D deficiency, but individuals with hypermobility may be at a higher risk of vitamin D deficiency due to decreased outdoor activity and decreased exposure to sunlight. 

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that helps the body absorb calcium and maintain bone health. Supplementing with vitamin D can help prevent vitamin D deficiency and support bone health in individuals with hypermobility.

What is the best treatment for hypermobility syndrome?

There is no cure for hypermobility syndrome, but there are various treatments that can help manage symptoms. One effective treatment option is physical therapy, which can help improve muscle strength, flexibility, and joint stability. Additionally, taking supplements such as omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, and vitamin D can help support joint health and reduce inflammation in the body.

When you’ve got joint hypermobility, supplements are something you should take daily. You won’t see immediate results, but within 3 to 6 weeks, you should start to notice a difference. However, it’s important to note that supplements can’t replace the benefits of eating a healthy diet that’s good for hypermobile joints.


Glucosamine – Mayo Clinic


  • Amy lives with hypermobility spectrum disorder (HSD). She spent years not knowing what was wrong with her body, before eventually being diagnosed in her 30s. She has two young children - both of whom are hypermobile.

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