selection of donuts covered in icing and colorful sweets

20 Of The Worst Foods For Hypermobility

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The worst foods for hypermobility are typically processed, unhealthy, and calorific. But, you may be surprised to find that some healthy snacks are bad for hypermobility too. 

The foods you eat can have a significant impact on how you feel and how your body functions. In this blog post, we discuss 20 of the worst foods for hypermobility, so you can make informed choices about your diet and take control of your health. From processed foods to sugary snacks, we’ll be covering it all, so keep reading to learn more.

Can Diet Affect Hypermobility?

Yes, diet can affect hypermobility. The good news is that your diet can’t cause hypermobility as hypermobility is a genetic condition.

Instead, certain foods trigger flare-ups of hypermobility-related symptoms.

As a general rule, the healthier your diet is, the less your hypermobility will be affected. 

What are the Worst Foods for Joint Pain?

The worst foods for joint pain are ones that cause inflammation. 

Foods known to cause inflammation include:

  • Processed meat
  • Red meat
  • Processed foods
  • Refined grains
  • Sugar and sugar substitutes
  • Fried food
  • Unhealthy snacks, such as cakes and cookies
  • Fizzy drinks
  • Alcohol

What are the Worst Foods for Hypermobility?

So now you know that your diet can affect your hypermobility, let’s find out the 20 worst foods for hypermobility.

  1. Pastries

    Pastries are a bad food choice for hypermobility sufferers for several reasons. First of all, they’re processed. They’re also an inflammatory food as they contain trans fat. Sweet pastries contain sugar which also causes inflammation. Plus, some pastries, such as churros, are fried. With all this going against them, pastries are a definite no-go for anyone with hypermobility.

  2. White bread

    White bread is processed and contains around 1.5 g of sugar per slice. As it’s a refined product, it’s linked to inflammation too. So, if you’re gagging for some toast or a sandwich, opt for wholemeal bread instead.

  3. Eggs

    Eggs contain arachidonic acid and saturated fat which have a link to inflammation. A small amount of egg is generally okay. But stick with the egg white as it doesn’t contain arachidonic acid.

  4. Fried food

    Let’s be honest, fried food isn’t good for anyone. But it particularly isn’t good for people with hypermobility. These foods are cooked in oils that contain trans fat, so inflammation is a common occurrence.

  5. Donuts

    The heart can be weaker in people with hypermobility due to weakened connective tissue. A heart-healthy diet is recommended. Unfortunately, donuts aren’t heart-healthy as they contain lots of sugar and fat.

  6. Cookies

    Cookies are packed full of fat and sugar. They’re also processed, so it’s best to avoid eating them when you’re hypermobile.

  7. Anything containing sweeteners

    People with hypermobility often have dysautonomia. Sweeteners should be avoided as they may cause gut inflammation.

  8. White pasta

    White pasta is a refined carbohydrate that causes inflammation. Choose whole pasta instead and avoid tomato-based pasta sauces.

  9. Pizza

    There’s no denying that pizza tastes amazing. But it can do bad things to a hypermobile body. Pizza is a processed food that’s fatty and calorific. It can cause weight gain and inflammation which is bad for the joints. Plus, it usually has tomato sauce on it. As you read below, tomatoes are not recommended for hypermobility.

  10. Cake

    Cake should be saved for special occasions only, such as birthdays. It contains a lot of fat and sugar and is likely to trigger inflammation around your joints when eaten regularly.
  1. Candy

    Candy is sugar and sugar causes inflammation. Believe us, your joints won’t thank you for eating bags of candy.

  2. Chocolate

    Chocolate contains sugar and caffeine; both of which are bad for hypermobility. There’s even more bad news as one study found that hypermobile people who ate chocolate had higher levels of anxiety.

  3. Processed meat

Processed meat contains FODMAPS. IBS is a common complaint in hypermobility. Thankfully, FODMAPS have been found to reduce the symptoms associated with IBS.

  1. Tomatoes

    Tomatoes fall under the nightshade family. Nightshades are known for worsening existing inflammation, so it’s best to avoid them.

  2. Pie

    Both sweet and savory pies should be avoided. The pastry contains a lot of saturated fat. Savory pies often have processed meat in them and sweet pies have lots of sugar. Pies are also high in calories in fat and can put you at risk of obesity, which will put extra strain on your joints.

  3. French fries

    French fries are made from potatoes which are nightshades. They’re also fried and contain lots of salt, which is what makes them one of the worst foods for hypermobility.

  4. Eggplants

    Eggplants are another member of the nightshade family which can make any inflammation in your body worse.

  5. Red meat

    Red meat is harder to digest than white meat. If your hypermobility symptoms include gastrointestinal issues, give red meat a swerve.

  6. Sunflower oil 

Sunflower oil contains omega-6 fatty acids which are known to cause inflammation. As a result, your joints could get sore and painful after eating them.

  1. Potato chips

    They’re potatoes, they’re fried, and they’re cooked in oil. Need we say anymore?

What Are The Best Foods For Hypermobility?

Now you’ve got a list of foods to stay away from, head over to our post on foods that you can enjoy with hypermobility to discover what you should be eating.

The worst foods for hypermobility tend to be ones that cause inflammation. It’s important to note that not everyone will be affected by all the foods listed above. But as a general rule, these foods should be limited and healthy, fresh foods should be eaten instead.



  • Amy lives with hypermobility spectrum disorder (HSD). She spent years not knowing what was wrong with her body, before eventually being diagnosed in her 30s. She has two young children - both of whom are hypermobile.

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